Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kindergarten Round-Up Successful!

On April 13, we welcomed 98 kiddos that will be the kindergarten class of 2012-2013. This was the second year of our new system where the children came during the day on Friday, and the parents had their own "round-up" earlier in the week. The highlight of the day for the students was when Bruce Betts, the transportation director, gave the children a bus ride around Gilbert. For most, it was their first time on a bus!!

Iowa Assessment Information Night

We have received our results from the Iowa Assessments that the students in grades 2-4 took in February. Because of the numerous changes, we are hosting a parent information night on May 1 at 6:30 in the elementary commons. On that evening, parents can get their children's results and learn about the changes. Anyone who is unable to attend on that evening can pick up their child's results in the elementary office in person or the rest will be sent home in report cards.

2nd Annual Field Day Scheduled!!

With all of the success of our school-wide field day last year, we have decided to make this an annual event. We will have our Field Day in the morning on May 24 (the last day of school). Last year we were so fortunate to get help from parents with donations and to help with some of the games. Our teachers will be meetings soon to make our plans, so be on the lookout for ways that you might be able to help! This is a fun way to end the school year and start summer vacation.